Long ago Afghanistan was a part of India and was ruled by Many Indian kingdoms.
But the modern relation between India and Afghanistan starts after the creation of Durand line in 1893. After partition Afghanistan till 1971 favours pakistan on every matter of India Pakistan in a hope of peaceful handover of NWFP and Balochistan. But after 1971 war Afghanistan started looking at India and during the same period it get tilted towards USSR. 

The drama begins in 1978 after a coup in Afghanistan, which was pro US and pakistan. This leds to Soviet invasion in 1979 and installed a govt led by Barak kramal, who was replaced by NAJIBULLAH in 1985.
India under Charan Singh in 1979 criticised the Soviet invasion but in 1980 after Indira Gandhi came to power she started supporting USSR.

US, pakistan and Saudi begain to initiate mujahid campaign against USSR, and started redicalise Afghani people and try to use them in a jihad against USSR as it was led by the follower of Marks and was against any religion. US had promised the mujahids that after USSR they will be in power. Although during this period india was supporting USSR but with a  fear that what if USSR quits Afghanistan, hence Rajiv Gandhi's govt started conversation with different parties but could earn nothing and even was not allowed to take part in Soviet withdrawal accord( Geneva accord 1987) 

After Soviet withdrawal according to the promise US need to cooperat with mujahid but US haven't help mujahideen to acquire power. This angered Mujahideen and the more redical in them formed a different group named Al Queda led by OSAMA BIN LADEN. In 1992 NAJIBULLAH govt was replaced by mujahideen. India was compelled to identify mujahideen as now it has become and reality and was very close to ISI. But as mujahideen was more or less a terrorist organisation, many groups were created within it which led to। a civil war in 1992. 

Now ISI realised that it would be difficult to bring back them together, and also that many groups with them try to get rid of pakistan hence started talk with India. After looking all this pakistan created a new group of redicalised students known as TALIBAN. Which came in power in 1996 led by mullah Umar. However India has not recognised this govt. But it is told that Taliban was not against india and has nothing to do with kashmir matter. Hence India had maintained unofficial talk with TALIBAN. Even during IC-814 hijacking initially Taliban was not ready to allow for landing in kandhar, but after ISI's warning they have to allow it. 

But after 9/11 and US invasion things start changing and India looks it as an opportunity to increase it reach in Afghanistan and have done a lot of investment. ISI look it as a danger ,hence In 2007 CIA and ISI had signed a deal under which Pakistan will provide local support to US and US will keep pakistan in every matter related to Afghanistan. Due to which Al Quida created pakistani Taliban to take revenge from Pakistan. In 2011 US killed OSAMA in Pakistan and this strained US-pak ties.

US main Target was OSAMA and after he was killed he was for a peaceful withdrawal from Afghanistan, and for this it again need pakistan. Here Pakistan had given a new formula of GOOD TALIBAN AND BAD TALIBAN.
GOOD TALIBAN were one who were the top commanders and engaged In diplomatic ties with other countries while BAN TALIBAN were the local leaders and small members . They opposes any treaty and they were one who will have to suffer after that as they fears that under a democratic govt they will get nothing. Here it is told that to get rid of it US with Israel created ISIS under a trained mossad operative ABU BAKAR AL BAGHDADI. And almost all the small leaders of Taliban  joined ISIS. 

After this US had started for treaty for a peaceful withdrawal. During this period india has also gifted many arm equipments to Afghanistan and also continued unofficial talk with TALIBAN. According to some sources some top leaders of TALIBAN have visited India in recent years. During this TALIBAN have always mentioned that they have nothing to do with kashmir and also appriciated the work of India in Afghanistan. 

Although TALIBAN is under a supreme control of ISI by they also have some serious issue between them related to Durand line. Many group in TALIBAN also want to get rid of Pakistan and hence is in continuous talk with India.

Now as TALIBAN have recapture Afghanistan and Indian govt have removed 370 from J&K hence ISI may try to use TALIBAN to redicalise Kashmiri Muslims. But most probably it's very hard now as india have deep penetration in TALIBAN. It is also interesting to look at Pakistan TALIBAN relation on Durand line.


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