

 We often listen a phrase that geopolitics is about self interest of a nation and nothing else, but some times two nations have some emotional ties which is much more then self interest. One of such example we have is of India and Israel. Although Israel is a new nation but it has a historic ties with India and it's people. One of the major reason is that We are probably the only nation where jews lives for millennium without any discrimination or persecution. In words of Atal ji... शरणागत की रक्षा की है, मैंने अपना जीवन दे कर। विश्वास नहीं यदि आता तो साक्षी है यह इतिहास अमर। And the second one may be our contribution in formation of Israel and the most famous BATTLE OF HAIFA. The story is of WW 1 when Ottoman was 2nd largest force against the Allied forces. By 1918 although it proved to be the last year but Ottoman Empire was still much stronger while the Allied forces and mainly British forces have faced huge damage. Hence they have planned to attack Haifa(largest port in souther


Long ago Afghanistan was a part of India and was ruled by Many Indian kingdoms. But the modern relation between India and Afghanistan starts after the creation of Durand line in 1893. After partition Afghanistan till 1971 favours pakistan on every matter of India Pakistan in a hope of peaceful handover of NWFP and Balochistan. But after 1971 war Afghanistan started looking at India and during the same period it get tilted towards USSR.  The drama begins in 1978 after a coup in Afghanistan, which was pro US and pakistan. This leds to Soviet invasion in 1979 and installed a govt led by Barak kramal, who was replaced by NAJIBULLAH in 1985. India under Charan Singh in 1979 criticised the Soviet invasion but in 1980 after Indira Gandhi came to power she started supporting USSR. US, pakistan and Saudi begain to initiate mujahid campaign against USSR, and started redicalise Afghani people and try to use them in a jihad against USSR as it was led by the follower of Marks and was against any re


Mewar has a long history of patriotism. The state has not only resisted against Mughals but also have contributed a lot by rejection jinnah proposal to merge with pakistan(and get autonomy in almost all subject). Rana had rejected the offer by telling that if his forefathers had surrendered against Mughals then probably his kingdom would be much bigger then what it is. Mewar too has a great history, A history to become only north indian state on which Akbar could not stablish his authority.  A history of Rani Padmini and other queens. A history of giving some greatest warrior of medival India like ' Gora and badal' . According to the folk Songs these two man have fought for a time againt Khilji's army even after there heads were chopped.  Mewar was under Rana Pratap when Mughals led by Mansingh and after his defeat under Akbar attacked on Mewar. The story begins in 1572 after the death of Rana uday singh. Mughals sent many messangers and Delegation to convince Rana, in this

Maratha Empire: At its peak

 Maratha Empire plays a big role in indian history, it most powerful state and played the most important role in the decomposition of the Mughals. But they lack in unity which were responsible for founding an stable all-India empire. The empire was founded by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, and was only remaining canker left by Aurangzeb (or he can't solve it) which ultimately become the most important reason for the downfall of the Mughals.  Although Marathas continued to increase their strength, but they could reach their glory at the time of Peshwa rule. Balaji vishwanath (1713) was the first Peshwa ( functional head) . He restored all the ancient parts of his Kingdom from Mughal, In return of 15000 men which helped Mughals in Deccan. Balaji divided the empire into between different sardars, which helped the empire in short run but ultimately become an important reason for its downfall. They were   1. Peshwa at Poona   2. Geakwad at Baroda   3. Sindhia at Gwalior   4. Holkar at Indo


Finally after 21days UN had decided to intervene between the ongoing Indo-Pak War 1965. But before that our troops did well in the Kashmir sector and captured the strategic HAZI PIR PASS. After the intervene both nation had declared ceasefire. Soviet union which by now anxious to make its presence in South Asia suggested Tashkent as a venue of talk between the two neighbors.  Russia knows the whole history of Kashmir and also about Sino-Indo war of 1962 hence he could not ask India to giveup more territory. Pakistan also have tried all method including war but couldn't get anything. Kosygin (then Russian president) told the two leaders about their neighbouring China which can take advantage of the war.  Kosygin wanted both India and Pakistan to seek a solution of all their problems on table and withdraw their troops to the position prior to the war. But On one hand Shastri Ji was not ready to withdraw the forces as he also told in indian parliament on the other General Ayub Khan wa

Bangladesh crisis and INDO-PAK WAR 1971

Though Pakistan was created on the name of religion as the logic which given that Hindu and Muslim can't live together and Muslim around the world follow a common interest of brotherhood. But the fact is that there are some people who can't live with anyone, even if they are alone the fight will continue between there hands and legs. The same happened with pakistan as religion soon proved inadequate to hold its eastern and western wings together as all the political power soon get concentrated in and its eastern part was being exploited in many ways. In 1948 jinnah declared Urdu as the only official language of Pakistan against which a massive protest took place in its eastern part and thousand of students were killed by Pakistani army to crush the revolt. To remember this protest world celebrates International mother language day on 21 Feb. The main action begin after the general election of 1970 in which Awami league won in East Pakistan while polls in west Pakistan was swept

Hind ki chadar: GURU TEG BAHADUR

Many people often ask that if Aurangzeb was so cruel against non muslims then how they are still in majority. Most probably they have no idea about the number of revolts and several defeats faced by Aurangzeb and his army. Dur to his policies he faced a number of revolts from JATS, RAJPOOTS,MARATHAS AND SIKHS. After Aurangzeb's death all of them emerged as a free State. We have earlier read about the policies of Aurangzeb and his ideas which was written by Mustaid Khan(a close relative of Aurangzeb) in his book maasir-e-alamgiri   (  ) From the above revolts the community That gives most sentimental sacrifices were the Sikhs. The story begins with the death of Guru Ramkishan(harkishan) in 1664 at very young age. He was succeeded by the 9th Guru Teg bahadur. As per the rule Guru went to Delhi to inform the emperor and to take his consent. But there he feel about some conspiracy against him and hence went to B